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Monday, May 13, 2024

Letter to a friend requesting him to lend you his camera


Imagine you are Manoj living in Pratap Nagar, Jodhpur. You want a camera during summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you, his camera.

Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you, his camera.

You may touch upon the following points

   1.  Why do you need a camera?

   2. When you need the camera?

   3. Who will operate it?

   4. Who will take it?

   5. When will you return it?

20 Pratap Nagar


Date ……..

My dear Kapil

I am fine here by the grace of almighty God and hope the same for you.

As you know my annual examinations are over and I have a long summer vacation. My family has decided to visit Mount Abu.

I want to have some pictures to keep memories forever. So I need your camera. I need the camera before 20th May.

 My elder sister and I know how to operate the camera. my uncle will take it from you and give it to me.

I shall return it to you as soon as I come back from there. I hope you will not disappoint me.

Please convey my regards to Uncle and aunt

Yours sincerely


Vocabulary used in this letter





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