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Monday, May 27, 2024

Email to your friend advising him to adjust to new environment(school)

Your friend Madhu/Mayank has sought admission in Rajasthan because of her/his father’s transfer to that place. You came to know through email that she/he misses her/his old school, teachers, and friends and doesn’t adjust to the new environment. Write an email advising her/him to keep patience, be friendly, and try to mix with new teachers and students.

Email to your friend advising him to adjust to new environment

You may touch upon the following words and outline.

Admission in new school………….father’s transfer………cannot adjust ……… environment………… always changes……….mix with classmates………….participates in activities………..follow my advice.








Adjusting and being friendly to the new environment



Dear Madhu/Mayank

I hope everything is good at your end. I came to know that you got admission to a new school in Jodhpur due to your father’s transfer.

I got an email from Suresh yesterday and came to know that you are feeling homesick and missing your old friends and teachers. He also told me that you haven’t adjusted to the new environment. 

I know this happens but we must go on with our new activities. Life is the name of change and all things undergo change.

I suggest you mix with your classmates and teachers there. I am sure, soon you will make new friends. You should start participating in school activities. This will give you a new energy.

I hope you will accept my suggestions.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely



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