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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Write an email to your friend describing your school sports day


Imagine you are Kanika. Last week, the annual sports day was organized in your school. Write an email to your friend describing him/her school sports day.

Write an email to your friend describing your school sports day

You may touch upon the following words and outline.

The school organized…………. annual sports day……. national sportsman ………. inaugurated ………. march past………competitions started………cheered classmates……participated in 100-meter race………. won bronze………………memorable event.









 Annual sports day



Dear Anjali


Take my love and affection.  I hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of God. I am also doing well.


In the last mail, I told you that our school is going to organize an annual sports day.


This grand event took place last week. We were excited and happy. A renowned national level sportsman Mr. Kapoor inaugurated the event which started off with a march past.


Then various competitions Gymnastics, karate, and other sports started. We all cheer all classmates and participants. I participated in a 100-meter race. I won a bronze medal.


The great day ended with the finest football match. The sports day was memorable and exciting.


That’s all for today.


Yours sincerely






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