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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Write an email to your younger brother about use of Internet

Suppose you are Kapil. Write an email to your younger brother telling him that not everything on the internet is fun or appropriate for children. Give him tips and suggestions for using the Internet.


Write an email to your younger brother about  use of  Internet


You may touch upon the following words and outline

Explore the internet………some tips…….internet integral part………parent’s permission………….search websites………not share credit cards……..not share passwords, photos……….use internet carefully and safely.








Using the Internet safely



Dear Vibhor


I hope you are doing well there.

Do you love exploring the internet? I am giving you some tips about the use of the internet. If you follow them then you will be able to use the internet well.

 You know today the internet has become an integral part of our lives. We get useful information but its use is not always safe.

   You should get permission from your parents to use the internet. You should search on secure websites. You should not share your credit card and bank information on any site without your parent’s knowledge.

Do not share your personal information, passwords, or photos on the internet.

The Internet is very useful but it should be used carefully and wisely.

 I hope you will follow my suggestions.

Yours sincerely


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