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Friday, May 31, 2024

Email your friend explaining an interesting class you had

Imagine you are Rajul. Write an email to your friend Madhurima explaining an interesting class you had in your college.

You may touch upon the following words and outline.

Hale and hearty……….got your e-mail…………new course ‘ Literature and Arts”……….. learned so much…….had a lot of fun……….comics………storytelling…………tell me about you.







An interesting class 



Dear Madhurima


Take my love and affection. I hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of God. I am also doing well. In your last e-mail, you asked me to share my experiences in my class. You also want to know what I am learning in my class.

This semester, we had a core course in our college syllabi known as “Literature and Arts”. In this course, we were taught how literature is linked to other Art forms like music, dance, drama, and painting.

One of these courses included graphic novels. Since they are a perfect fusion of literature and painting.

Last week, we had a class on this topic and they were the most interesting class that I have had. The professor explained to us and prescribed a few graphic novels.

We had a lot of fun reading comics. I got to know about storytelling in comics. That’s all for today.

Please tell me what you are learning these days.

Yours sincerely



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