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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

E-mail your friend to apologize for not inviting on birthday party

Imagine you are Kalpana. You forgot to invite a close friend to your birthday. Write an email of apology to your friend explaining your condition and requesting him/her to forgive you.

E-mail your friend to apologize for not inviting on birthday party

You may touch upon the following words and outline.

Expressing deep regret……………forget to invite on birthday………wrote wrong address…………. waited on birthday………..tried to contact……… were busy…………understand situation………….. I regret……….arranging a party…………..please do come.








Regret for not inviting to birthday



Dear Manju


I hope you are fine. I am also doing well. I am writing this e-mail to express my deep regret over forgetting to invite you to my birthday party.



Believe me, Manju, that it was only due to forgetfulness. my younger sister and I were writing the addresses of friends and relatives. My sister wrote your address wrongly.



 On my birthday, I waited for you and tried to call but your mobile went off. I thought you might have been busy with some urgent work.



I regret this. I hope you will understand the situation. So please don’t take it otherwise.



 I am organizing a special treat for friends who could come on that day.



Waiting for your email


Yours sincerely





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