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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Symbols for components of an electric circuit and their uses

This topic belongs to Chapter 12 Electricity Class 10 NCERT Science  

 An electric circuit consists of various components performing different functions. We are going to discuss symbols of components and their use.

What is an electric circuit?

A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit.

An electric circuit consists of a cell, a plug key, electrical components, and connecting wires.

So electric circuit provides a complete path through which electric current travels.

Following is the electrical circuit diagram


What is an electric circuit?


What are the electrical components used in an electric circuit?

The following components are used in an electric circuit

i.             Cell or battery

ii.          Plug key or switch (open or closed)

iii.      Bulb or another component

iv.       Connecting wire

v.          Resistor

vi.       Variable resistor (Rheostat)

vii.   Ammeter

viii.     Voltmeter

ix.       galvanometer

x.          Wire joint


i.             Cell  - A cell is a source of electric current that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

ii.          Battery -  An arrangement of two or more cells is called a battery. It maintains the potential difference between the two ends of a conductor.

iii.      Plug key or switch – It allows or stops the flow of current in the circuit.

iv.       Connecting wire – These wires are made of a material like copper and are used to connect different components in a circuit.

v.          Resistor – these are made of alloys.

vi.       Variable resistance (Rheostat) – This is a variable resistance that increases or decreases current in the circuit.

vii.   Ammeter – It is connected in the circuit in series and used to measure the amount of current in the circuit.

viii.         Voltmeter – It is used to detect the potential differences between two ends of the conductor and is used in parallel to the component.

ix.       Galvanometer - It is used to detect the presence of current.

Symbols of components used in circuit diagram

Following electric circuit diagram symbols are used for the above components.

Symbols for components of an electric circuit and their uses

Q1. How does a simple electric circuit work  ?

Ans- A simple electric circuit is a closed path that allows current to flow. It mainly consists of a power source, conductors, load, and control device. When the switch is closed, the circuit becomes complete and the current starts flowing.

Q2. What does ‘k’ in an electric circuit diagram represent?
Ans – ‘k’ represents the key that is basically a switch.


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    1.  Derive the formula of work done when current flows through a conductor or resistor

    2. Numerial Based on Electric Current 

   3. Numericals Bases on Heating Effect of Electric Current

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