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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Derivation of heating effect of electric current

The heating effect of electric current belongs to Chapter 12 Electricity Class 10 Science.

In this post, we will derive the expression for heat produced due to current ‘I’  flowing for time interval ‘t’ through a resistor ‘R’ having potential difference ‘V’ across its ends.


Derivation of expression of heating effect of electric current

Consider an electric circuit of resistors connected to a battery and source of energy.


Derivation of expression of heating effect of electric current

Let during the time ‘t’, a charge ‘Q’ is moving through the circuit.

Work ‘W’ done in moving the charge ‘Q’ through a potential ‘V’ is VQ.

So the source supplies energy equal to VQ in time t.

the power input to the circuit is 



  `P=VI` ……………..(i)

 In ‘t’ seconds energy used by the circuit = P × t


The energy ‘E’ is dissipated in the resistor as heat

 So,  E=H




  Applying Ohm’s law 


  So, H=IR.It 

  `H=I^2 Rt`

  ✅Related Topics

    1.  Derive the formula of work done when current flows through a conductor or resistor

    2. Numerial Based on Electric Current 

   3. Numericals Bases on Heating Effect of Electric Current

     4. Solved Numeicals on Electricity 

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