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Monday, November 27, 2023

Image formation by convex lens table 10.4

A convex lens forms a real and inverted image when an object is placed at different positions but a virtual and erect image is also formed by a convex lens.

Image formation by convex lens table 10.4

This is a brief description of image formation by a convex lens

Following are the positions according to the table 10.4 

   1.   Object is placed at infinity

   2.   Object is placed at `F_1`

   3.   Object is placed between infinity and `2F_1`

   4.   Object is placed between `2F_1` and `F_1`

   5.   Object is placed at `2F_1`

   6.   Object is placed between `F_1` and the optical centre (O)

So, when an object is placed in the given position, we can find the nature. Position and size of the image.

1.   Object is placed at infinity


Position of image - At `F_2`

Nature of image- Real and inverted

Size of image - Highly diminished

 A detailed explanation of position 1 - Click

2.   Object is placed at `F_1`

Position of image - At infinity

Nature of image- Real and inverted

Size of image - Enlarged

 A detailed explanation of position 2 - Click


3.   Object is placed between infinity and `2F_1`

Position of image – between `F_2` and `2F_2`

Nature of image- Real and inverted

Size of image - diminished

 A detailed explanation of position 3 - Click


4.   Object is placed between `2F_1` and `F_1`

Position of image – between infinity and `2F_2`

Nature of image- Real and inverted

Size of image - Enlarged

 A detailed explanation of position 4 - Click


5.   Object is placed at `2F_1`

Position of image - At `2F_2`

Nature of image- Real and inverted

Size of image – same size

 A detailed explanation of position 5 - Click


6.   Object is placed between `F_1` and the optical centre (O)

Position of image – At the same side of the object

Nature of image- virtual and erect

Size of image – Enlarged

 A detailed explanation of position 6 - Click


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