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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Addition Reaction Class 10 Carbon and its Compounds

Addition means to add

Addition reaction is the characteristic property of alkenes. Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons or carbon compounds which have double bonds between two carbon atoms.

Addition Reaction Class 10 Carbon and its Compounds

These unsaturated hydrocarbons are highly reactive due to the presence of double bonds.

Addition reaction

When a double bond between two carbon atoms breaks up, then each carbon atom gets one free electron.

Each electron forms a single covalent bond with other radicals or groups.

These radicals or groups are added to alkenes to form saturated hydrocarbon alkanes.

Following are the additional reactions of alkenes

(i)      With bromine water

(ii)    With hydrogen

(i)     With bromine water

 All alkenes undergo an addition reaction. The double bond between carbon atoms broke up and bromine is added to carbon atoms to form di bromo alkane.

 `CH_2=CH_2 + Br_2 →CH_2BR- CH_2Br`


(ii)      With hydrogen

When alkenes are heated with hydrogen gas in the presence of a catalyst like nickel or palladium, they change into alkanes.

This reaction is called hydrogenation.

`CH_2=CH_2 + H_2 →CH_3- CH_3`


Industrial application of hydrogenation

 Vegetable oil like mustard, groundnut, or cottonseed oil has an unsaturated carbon chain.

When hydrogen gas is passed through these oils in the presence of a catalyst like nickel, an addition reaction takes place, and unsaturated fat changes into saturated fat which is called vegetable ghee.


`R_2C=CR_2 + H_2 →R_2CH- CHR_2`


 Related Topics

1. What happens during a chemical reaction

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