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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Chemical Properties of Metals Class 10 PDF

 The Chemical Properties of metals class 10 pdf contains a detailed explanation of the Chemical properties of metals in a downloadable format.

We know what are metals and have discussed their physical properties of metals.

Actually, chemical properties include chemical reactions.

Chemical Properties of Metals Class 10 PDF

In this topic, we will cover all chemical reactions of metals including the burning reaction, the reaction of metals with acid, the reaction of metals with water, the reaction of metals with metal salts, and the reaction of metals with non-metals.


Chemical properties of metals

Metals are electropositive elements and they have the tendency to lose or donate electrons to form cations.

       `M →M^+ + n e^-`

The electron-releasing tendency of metals varies from metal to metal, where some metals lose electrons actively and other don’t. so some metals are more reactive than other metals.

The chemical properties of metals depend on their reactivity.

            Table of contents

   1.  Reaction of metal with Oxygen 

   2.  Reaction of metal with water

   3.  Reaction of metal with acid

   4.  Reaction of metal with metal salts

   5.  Reaction of metal with non-metal

   6.  Quiz

   7.  Video

   8.  Important Questions

   9.  FAQs


Reaction of Metals with oxygen

Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxides

  Metal + Oxygen  → Metal oxide

The reactivity of different metals with oxygen is different

i.  Some metals react with oxygen at room temperature vigorously, that’s why these metals are kept in kerosene.

`4Na + O_2 →2Na_2O`

The reaction of sodium with oxygen is extremely vigorous

`4K+ O_2 →2K_2O`

ii.    Metal like magnesium reacts with oxygen on heating and form magnesium oxide.

 `2Mg+ O_2 →2MgO`

iii.   Zinc and iron react with oxygen at high temperatures.

 `2Zn+ O_2 →2ZnO`

 `3Fe+ 2O_2 →Fe_3O_4`

These metals react with oxygen but do not burn.

iv.  Copper is less reactive and it reacts with oxygen on long heating to form black copper oxide

`2Cu+ O_2  →2CuO`

v.   Silver and gold do not react with oxygen.


Reaction of Metals with water

Different metals react with water in different conditions. Metals react with water to produce metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

Metal + Water →Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen gas

i.   Sodium and potassium react with water at room temperature or even with cold water. This reaction is so vigorous that it catches fire. The reaction is explosive.

`2K+ 2H_2O →2KOH + H_2↑ + heat`

`2Na+ 2H_2O →2NaOH + H_2↑ + heat`

ii.      Calcium reacts with water; less violently, so less heat is liberated. The bubbles of hydrogen gas get stuck to the surface of calcium so it starts floating.

`Ca + 2H_2O →Ca(OH)_2 + H_2↑`

iii.   Magnesium reacts with hot water and produces magnesium hydroxide.

 `Mg + 2H_2O →Mg(OH)_2 + H_2↑`

iv.     Metals like aluminium, zinc and iron only react with steam.

`2Al+ 2H_2O_{(g)} →Al_2O_3 + 3H_2↑`

`3Fe+ 4H_2O_{(g)} \rightarrow  Fe_3O_4 + 4H_2↑`

 `Zn + H_2O_{(g)} \rightarrow ZnO + H_2↑`

v.    Copper, gold and silver do not react with water in any condition.

Reaction of Metals with acids

Metals above hydrogen in reactivity series react with dilute acids but metals below hydrogen in the series do not react with dilute acids.

Metal reacts with acids to produce metal salts and hydrogen gas.

Metal +  dilute acid →Metal salt + Hydrogen

i.   Sodium, potassium and lithium react with dilute acids violently and form salts and hydrogen gas.

`2Na + 2HCl →2NaCl+ H_2`

`2K  + 2HCl →2KCl+ H_2`

`2Na + H_2SO_4 \rightarrow Na_2SO_4 + H_2`

ii.   Magnesium, aluminium, zinc, and iron react with acids to produce relevant salt and `H_2` gas.

 `Mg+ 2HCl →MgCl_2 + H_2`

`Mg+ H_2SO_4 \rightarrow MgSO_4 + H_2`

 `Zn + 2HCl →ZnCl_2 + H_2`

`Zn  + H_2SO_4 →ZnSO_4 + H_2`

iii.   Copper, silver and gold do not react with dilute acids.

iv.   Copper reacts with oxy acids like `HNO_3`, `H_2SO_4`

`Cu+ 2HNO_3 \rightarrow Cu(NO_3)_2  + 2NO +4H_2O`

In this reaction, Hydrogen gas is not liberated.


Reaction of Metal with metal salts

More reactive metals displace less reactive metals from their oxide, chloride or sulphate salts solutions.

Metal A + Salt solution of Metal B →salt solution of Metal A +  Metal B 

 `Fe   + CuSO_4 →  FeSO_4 +   Cu`

This reaction can be explained with activity in the chemistry laboratory.

Reaction of Metals with Non-metals

The reaction of metals with non-metals depends on the following characteristics

i. Metals have the tendency to lose or donate electrons and non-metals have the tendency to accept or gain electrons.

ii.  Metals form cations (positive ions) and non-metals form anions (negative ions).

iii. Metals act as reducing agents and non-metals act as oxidizing agents.

The reaction between metal and non-metal takes place by transferring electrons and forming ionic compounds.

`Na → Na^+  + e^-`

`Cl + e^- \rightarrow  Cl^-`

`Na^+  + Cl^-  →NaCl`

Quiz on Chemical Properties of Metals

Important questions

1.  Name the metal that catches fire in reaction with cold water.

 Ans – Sodium (Na)

2.  Name the metal that liberates H2 on reaction with steam but not with cold water.

Ans -  Iron

3.  What kind of reaction are metals have with acids?

Ans – The reaction of metals with acids is a redox reaction.

4.  What gas is released in the reaction of acids with metals?

 Ans – Hydrogen gas

5.  What is the result of the experiment to observe the reaction of acids with metals?

Ans - Metal reacts with acids to produce metal salts and hydrogen gas.

6.  Name the metals that react with acids like HCl, and do not form bubbles in the solution?

 Ans - Gold and platinum are non-reactive elements and they do not react with HCl so hydrogen is not released that’s why bubbles are not formed in the solution.

7.  What will happen if a strip o copper is kept immersed in a solution of silver nitrate?

 Ans – Copper is more reactive than silver so it displaces silver from its salt solution.

8.  What happens when a rod of zinc is dipped into a solution of copper sulphate?

Ans - Zinc is more reactive than copper so it displaces copper from its salt solution and zinc sulphate is formed.

9.  Why some metals are more reactive and some less reactive?

Ans - Metals form cations. Some metals lose electrons easily while other metals don’t, that’s why some metals are more reactive than some other metals.

10.  Metals do not form hydrogen gas with nitric acid, why?

Ans – Nitric acid is a strong oxidising agent and it oxides hydrogen to produce water, that’s why hydrogen gas is not liberated.


    1.  What metals do not react with HCl?

 Ans-  Copper, Gold does not react with HCl.  


    2.  Does copper react with HCl? 

    Ans-  No, copper does not react with HCl.


   3.  Does zinc react with HCl?

    Ans- Yes, zinc reacts with HCl.


   4.  Why is it important to do experiments involving chemical reactions of metals and HCl?

Ans- The reaction of metals and HCl can be used to determine the relative reactivity of metals and to learn the properties of metals and acids.

   5.  What ions do metal form?

    Ans- Metals lose electrons from their outermost shell and form cations (positive ions)

   6.  What are some examples of displacement reactions of metals?

    Ans – The reaction of metals with metal salts are displacement reaction

 `Fe   + CuSO_4 →  FeSO_4 +   Cu`

   7.  What are the reactions of a base with metals?

Ans – When a base reacts with metal, it produces salt and hydrogen gas.

`Zn + 2NaOH → Na_2ZnO_2  + H_2`

   8.  Name the substance that reacts with gold and platinum.

    Ans – Aqua regia

     Related Topics

    1. Physical Properties of Metals

    2. Preparation of Baking Soda

3. Preparation of Washing  Soda

4. Preparation of Sodium hydroxide

5. What happens during a chemical reaction

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