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Monday, July 17, 2023

Preparation of baking soda class 10

 As a class 10 student, you must have gone through Chapter 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts. The preparation of baking soda is related to this chapter.

Preparation of baking soda class 10
Preparation of baking soda 

Today we will discuss in detail the preparation of baking soda.

Table of content

   1.  Bakingsoda formula

   2.  Chemical name

   3.  Properties of baking soda

   4.  Preparation methods

   5.  Uses of baking soda 

   6. Important Questions


Baking soda formula


Chemical name of baking soda

Sodium hydrogen carbonate


What are the properties of baking soda?

   1.  It is a white crystalline powder

   2.  It is hardly soluble in  water    

   3.  Its solution in water is alkaline

   4.  It is odorless


Preparation of Baking Soda

i.        Laboratory method

ii.    Industrial method


i.   Laboratory method

       Baking soda can be prepared by saturating a cold solution of sodium carbonate with carbon dioxide.

  `Na_2CO_3  + CO_2   +H_2O \rightarrow 2NaHCO_3`

ii.   Industrial method

         Baking soda is prepared by passing carbon dioxide gas through brine (saturated solution of NaCl) saturated with ammonia.

  `NaCl + H_2O + CO_2 + NH_3 → NH_4Cl  + NaHCO_3`



Different uses of baking soda

Following are the important uses of baking soda in our daily life.


   1.  It is used in making baking powder which is used in cooking.

   2.  Baking soda is also used in cooking.

   3.  It is used in soda-acid fire extinguishers.

   4.  It is used as a mild antiseptic and antacid.

   5.  Baking powder is widely used in making bread, cakes, and cookies.

   6.  It can be used in cleaning utensils and removing stains.

   7.  In making soda water and soda-containing cold drinks.

   8.  As a laboratory reagent


Important questions

   1.  What is the `P^H` of baking soda?

  Ans – The `P^H` of baking soda is approx 9.

   2.  What happens when baking soda is heated?

Ans - When baking soda is heated, it decomposes into sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide, and water

   3.  Is baking soda good for the skin?

Ans – Yes, baking soda is good for the skin as it has anti-inflammatory properties and is alkaline.

   4.  Why does cake become fluffy after adding baking soda?

    Ans – Baking soda (mainly baking powder) is added to the cake and heated. During this process baking soda decomposes and CO2 blows through the cake making holes in it. That’s why the cake becomes fluffy.

   5.  Why do you rub a paste of baking soda when an ant bites you?

 Ans- Ant sting contains methanoic acid which causes irritation. Baking soda is alkaline so when we rub a paste of baking soda, it neutralizes the effect of ant bite.




  1.  Is baking soda and baking powder the same?

Ans- No, baking soda and baking powder are different. baking powder contains baking soda and tartaric acid while baking soda is itself a single substance.


   2.  Can we use baking powder for baking soda?

Ans - Baking powder is prepared with baking soda, But baking soda has a bitter taste while baking powder has


   3.  Are there any health benefits of consuming baking soda?

 Ans - Baking soda has medicinal uses in removing heartburn and indigestion but excess consumption may lead to bad effects.

   4.  Can I use baking soda for cleaning my oven?

 Yes, baking soda is an effective and natural cleaner for ovens. It has cleaning properties. 

Related Topics

1. Preparation of Washing Soda

2. Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide

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