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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Physical Properties of Metals Class 10 PDF

Physical Properties of metals class 10 pdf contains a detailed explanation of the physical properties of metals in a downloadable format.

Today we are going to discuss the physical property of metals for class 10 which belongs to chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals prescribed in the NCERT science book.

Physical Properties of Metals Class 10 PDF

You can download the physical properties class 10 pdf file below from the given link.

      Table of content  

   1.  Physical properties of metals

   2.  Characteristics of Metals List

   3.  Quiz

   4.  Important questions

   5.  FAQs


Physical Properties of Metals Class 10

Metals are the elements that are located on the left side of the Periodic table. The following are the main physical properties of metals-

1.   Metals are the elements which form cations (positive ions) by losing electrons from their outermost valence shell. Metals are electropositive elements.

2.   All metals are found in a solid physical state but mercury (Hg). Mercury is found in the liquid state.

3.    Metallic lustre - All metals have a metallic lustre. Lustre means shine or brightness. When light falls on the surface of a metal, the atoms absorb energy and get excited and electrons start vibrating and release energy as light.

4.   Melting points and Boling Points - Metals have high melting points and boiling points because there is a strong force of attraction found between atoms. so they need more energy to break this force of attraction, that’s why they have high M.P. and B.P. But Ga, Ce have low M.P. and B.P.

5.    Conductivity - Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat because they have free electrons that move easily from one atom to the next.

6.   Malleability - Metals are malleable. Metals can be converted into sheets on hammering, this property is known as malleability.

7.  Ductility -Metals are ductile. Metals can be drawn into thin wires; this property is known as ductility.

8.    All metals are of bright colours.

9.  Metals are sonorous as they produce sound when beaten.

10.  Hardness -Metals are hard. Sodium is a soft metal.

11.   Atoms of metals have one to three valance electrons in the outermost shell.

12. Density – Metals have high density. Density means the mass of a substance per unit volume. So metals are heavy.

13. Thermal Expansion – When metals get heated, they expand and contract when cooled.

14.   Strength - Metals have high tensile strength properties.

15. Electronegativity - Metals have low electronegativity because they have a tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions.

16. Magnetic Properties - Metals, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt show magnetic properties as they get attracted towards magnets.


 Characteristics of Metals List

   1.  Metals are good conductors.    

   2.  Metals are malleable.

   3.  Metals are ductile

   4.  Metals are sonorous.

   5.  Metals are tensile.

   6.  Metals are electropositive.

   7.  Metals are solid and hard.


Quiz on Physical Properties of Metals Class 10

Important questions

   1.  What are alkali metals?

Ans  - Elements located in the first column of the periodic table are called alkali metals.

      e.g.- Na, K,

   2.  What are alkaline earth metals?

 Ans – Elements located in the second column of the periodic table are called alkaline earth metals.

e.g- Ca, Mg

   3.  What are transition metals?

 Ans – Elements located in the middle part of the periodic table are called transition metals.

   4.  What are metals?

   Ans - Metals are those elements that form electropositive ions and are good conductors of heat and electricity and are found in solid state at room temperature.

   5.  Examples of Metals

Ans- Following are examples of metals

Iron, Copper, Aluminium, Gold, Silver

   6.  Name one metal which is found in a liquid state.

Ans – Mercury (Hg)

   7.  Name any metal which is soft.

Ans – Sodium (Na)

   8.  Name the metal which is most malleable.

 Ans – Gold (Au)

   9.  Name the metal which is the most ductile.

  Ans – Silver (Ag)

   10.    Name the metal which is the best conductor of electricity.

  Ans – Silver (Ag)



   1.  Why are metals good conductors of electricity?

  Ans – Metals have free electrons in their outermost shell so they are good conductors of electricity. Because free electrons conduct electricity.

   2.  Name the metal which is used in aerospace industries.

Ans – Aluminium

   3.  Why do metals have high melting points?

Ans – Atoms of metals have a strong force of attraction between them so they need high energy to break the bond.

   4.  What are the specific characteristics of metals?

  Ans – Metals lose or donate electrons and form cations.

   5.  Are metals cations or anions?

    Ans – Metals are cations.

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