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Monday, July 3, 2023

All Important Chemical Reactions for Class 10(2023-24)

Hoping, you are looking for all the important chemical reactions for class 10 for the upcoming CBSE board examination.

We will discuss all chemical reactions that are very useful and important in the context of the NCERT science book. Before learning all chemical reactions, you must know what is the trick of naming chemical reactions.


All Important Chemical Reactions for Class 10(2023-24)
Important Chemical Reactions

List of all chemical reactions

Following is the list of all types of chemical reactions given in the NCERT science book.


 1.  Displacement reaction between Zn and `H_2SO_4`

2.  Reaction of photosynthesis

3.  Burning/combustion of natural gas

4.  Decomposition of Ferrous sulphate

5.  Thermal decomposition of Lead nitrate

6.  Electrolysis of water

7.  Double displacement reaction of Sodium sulphate with Barium chloride

8.  Rusting of Iron

9.  Reaction of metal carbonate with an acid

10.      Reaction of metal hydrogen carbonate with an acid

11.      Formation of sodium hydroxide

12.      Formation of bleaching powder

13.      Formation of sodium zincate

14.      Reaction of plaster of Paris with water

15.      Thermit reaction

16.      Combustion reaction

17.      Conversion of alcohol into acetic acid

18.      Hydrogenation (formation of vegetable ghee)

19.      Dehydration of ethanol (ethyl alcohol)

20.      Formation of ester

21.      Saponification


1.    Displacement reaction between Zn and `H_2SO_4`

     `Zn + H_2SO_4 →ZnSO_4 + H_2`

2.    Reaction of photosynthesis

       `6CO_2+6H_2O\overset{sunlight}\underset{cholrophyll}{\rightarrow} C_6H_12O_6 +6O_2`

3.  Burning/combustion of natural gas

   `CH_4 + 2O_2 →CO_2 + 2H_2O + \text{energy}`

4.  Decomposition of Ferrous sulphate

  `2FeSO_4 → Fe_2O_3 + SO_2 + SO_3`

5.  Thermal decomposition of Lead nitrate

   `2PbNO_3→ 2PbO + 4NO_2 + O_2`

6.  Electrolysis of water

 `2H_2O \overset\text{electric current}{\rightarrow} 2H_2 + O_2`

7.   Double displacement reaction of Sodium sulphate with Barium chloride

  `Na_2SO_4 + BaCl_2 → BaSO_4 + 2NaCl`

8.   Rusting of Iron

  `4Fe   + 3O_2  +  n.H_2O → 2Fe_2O_3.nH_2O`

9.   Reaction of metal carbonate with an acid

 `Na_2CO_3 + 2HCl \rightarrow  2NaCl +H_2O + CO_2`

10.   Reaction of metal hydrogen carbonate with an acid

  `NaHCO_3 + HCl → NaCl + H_2O +CO_2`

11.  Formation of sodium hydroxide

  `2NaCl + 2H_2O → 2NaOH + H_2 + Cl_2`

12. Formation of bleaching powder

   `Ca(OH)_2  + Cl_2 \rightarrow CaOCl_2 + H_2O`

13. Formation of sodium zincate

  `2NaOH + Zn → Na_2ZnO_2 + H_2`

14.  Reaction of plaster of Paris with water

  `CaSO_4.frac{1}{2}H_2O + 1\frac{1}{2}H_2O →CaSO_4. 2H_2O`

15. Thermit reaction

   `Fe_2O3_ + 2Al → 2Fe + Al_2O_3 + heat`

16.  Combustion reaction

  `C+O_2 →CO_2   +  heat and light`

`CH_4 +O_2 →CO_2 + H_2O +  heat and light`

17.      Conversion of alcohol into acetic acid

`CH_3-CH_2OH \overset\text{alkaline KMnO4 +heat}\underset{acidic K_2Cr_2O_7+heat}{\rightarrow}CH_3COOH`

18.  Hydrogenation (formation of vegetable ghee)

`R_2C=CR_2  \overset{catalyst Ni}\underset{H_2}{\rightarrow} R_2HC- CHR_2`

19.  Dehydration of ethanol (ethyl alcohol)

`CH_3- CH_2OH \overset{hot & con.H_2SO_4}{\rightarrow} CH_2=CH_2 + H_2O`

20.  Formation of ester

`CH_3COOH + CH_3CH_2OH \overset{acid}{\rightarrow} CH_3COOCH_2CH_3 +H_2O`

21.  Saponification

  `CH_3COOC_2H_5 \overset{NaOH}{\rightarrow} C_2H_5OH + CH_3COONa`

These 5 chapters (from Ch-1 to Ch-5) of chemistry in the NCERT Science book and the above reactions have been taken from these chapters.

Learn these chemical reactions 

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