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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Activity 16.8 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

we will go through activity 16.8 class 8 science chapter 16 Light in which we will discuss how the iris controls the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil. You should also go through activity 16.5 to get more about reflection.



  ·     Look into your friend’s eye.

  ·      Observe the size of the pupil.

  ·     Throw light on her eye with a torch.

  ·     Observe the pupil now.

  ·      Switch off the torch, and observe her pupil once again.

  ·      Do you notice any change in the size of the pupil?

  ·      In which case was the pupil larger?

   ·      Why do you think it was so?

   ·     In which case do you need to allow light in the eye when the light is dim or bright?


Activity 16.8 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution
 Activity 16.8 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

Observation and explanation

The pupil is an aperture in the centre of the iris. The involuntary muscles adjust the size of the pupil and so control the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil.

When light is thrown on the eye, the size of the pupil becomes smaller and a lesser amount of light is allowed to enter inside the eye.

In dim light, the pupil becomes wide to allow light to enter the eye.

So, the iris controls the amount of light entering the eye by contracting and dilating to a range of the size of the pupil.


This activity shows how the iris controls the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil.

 Related Topics

1. Activity 16.9

2. Activity 16.7


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