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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Activity 16.10 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

we will go through activity 16.10 class 8 science chapter 16 Light in which we will discuss that the impression of an image persists for about 1/16 of a second on the retina after we have stopped seeing the object. You should also go through activity16.7 to get more about phenomena related to light.


   ·     Get a square piece of cardboard of size 6-8 cm.

   ·     Make two holes as shown in Figure.

   ·     Thread a string through the two holes.

    ·      Draw/ paste a cage on one side of the cardboard and a bird on the other side.

   ·     Twist the string and make the card twirl rapidly.

   ·      Do you see the bird in the cage?


Activity 16.10 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution
 Activity 16.10 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

Observation and explanation

When pictures are moved at the rate of 24 pictures per second (more than 16 per second), we see the picture moving.


When still images of moving objects are flashed on the eye at a rate faster than 16 per second then the eye perceives the image as moving.


 Related Topics

1. Activity 16.9


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