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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Activity 16.3 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

we will go through activity 16.3 class 8 science chapter 16 Light. In this activity 16.3, we will discuss image formation by a plane mirror. You should also go through activity 16.2 to understand the laws of reflection.


  ·     A source of light O is placed in front of a plane mirror PQ.

  ·     Two rays OA and OC are incidents on it.

  ·     Can you find out the direction of the reflected rays?

  ·     Draw normal to the surface of the mirror, at points A and C.

  ·     Then draw the reflected rays at points A and C.

  ·     How would you draw these rays?

  ·     Call the reflected rays AB and CD, respectively.

  ·     Extend them further.

  ·     Do they meet?

  ·     Extend them backward.

  ·     Do they meet now?

  ·      If they meet, mark this point as I.

  ·     For a viewer’s eye at E, do the reflected rays appear to come from the point I?

  ·     Since the reflected rays do not actually meet at I, but only appear to do so, we say that a virtual image of the point O is formed at I.


Observation and explanation

Activity 16.3 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution
 Activity 16.3 Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Solution

When incident rays OA and OC strike the plane mirror and get reflected. We can see the direction of reflected rays AB and CD.

These reflected rays AB and CD do not meet when they are extended.

Now we extend these rays backward, they meet at point I. when the viewer sees from point E, these rays appear to come from one point I.

Actually, these rays do not meet so the image of an object at point ‘O’ is formed at point ‘I’ is virtual and erect. This image is not captured on the screen.


The image formed by the plane mirror is virtual and erect and can’t be obtained on the screen.

Related Topic

1. Activity 16.4

2. Activity 16.2

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