Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science Chapter 10 Gravitation
Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science belongs to Chapter 10 Gravitation Class 9 Science. You will get a complete solution with an explanation and conclusion. After reading activity 10.7, you will be able to answer the questions based on the activity.
Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science Gravitation
You are suggested to study NCERT activity 10.7 class 9 science
chapter 10 explanation with a conclusion so that you can attempt questions
based on activity 10.7 class 9 science.
Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science
· Take a piece of stone and tie it
to one end of a rubber string or a spring balance.
· Suspend the stone by holding the
balance of the string.
· Note the elongation of the string
or the reading on the spring balance due
to the weight of the stone.
· Now slowly dip the stone in the water in a container.
· Observe what happens to the elongation of the string or the reading on the balance.
Observation Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science
When the stone is dipped in the water, the elongation or reading in the spring
balance decreases.
Explanation Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science
When the stone is tied with a string or spring balance, elongation is
produced due to the weight of the stone.
As the stone is dipped into the water, the elongation decreases, or the reading in the spring balance decreases.
This happens because an upward force is exerted on the stone. This upward force
is an upthrust or buoyant force.
Conclusion Activity 10.7 Class 9 Science
This activity shows that the weight of an object in water is less than that
of in the air.
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