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NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Activity 6.2|Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Tissues

 NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Activity 6.2

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science belongs to Chapter 6 Tissues Class 9 Science. You will get a complete solution with an explanation and a conclusion. After reading activity 6.2, you will be able to answer the questions based on the activity.

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Chapter 6


You are suggested to study NCERT activity 6.2 class 9 science chapter 6 explanation with a conclusion so that you can attempt questions based on the activity 6.2 class 9 science.

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Aim

To observe the different types of permanent tissues in the section of stem

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science

    ·     Take a plant stem and with the help of your teacher cut it into very thin slices sections.

    ·     Now, stain the slices with safranin. Place one neatly cut section on a slide and put a drop of glycerine.

    ·     Cover with a cover slip and observe under a microscope.   Observe the various types of cells and their arrangement. Compare it with the figure.

    ·     We can also try to cut sections of plant roots. We can even try cutting sections of roots and stems of different plants.


Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Observation

We can see different types of cells in the section of stem. They are different in size and structure.

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Explanation

The various types of cells we see under the microscope are part of permanent tissue. These tissues are of two types- (i) Simple permanent tissue and (ii). Complex permanent tissue

The cells of these tissues have different functions.

Types of Permanent Tissue

    1.  Simple Permanent Tissue

i.              Parenchyma

ii.           Collenchyama

iii.        Sclerenchyma

    2.  Complex Permanent Tissue

i.              Phloem

ii.           Xylem

Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science Conclusion

From activity 6.2, we can conclude that stem of a plant has various types of cells/tissues that have different shapes. Size and functions.


Questions based on observation activity 6.2 class 9 science

   1.  Are all cells similar in structure?

   2.  How many types of cells can be seen?

   3.  Can we think of reasons why there would be so many types of cells?

Answers to questions based on activity 6.2 Class 9 Science

   1.  No. all cells are not similar. They have different shapes and sizes and they have different functions also.

    2.  there are many types of cells i.e. epidermal cells, cortex, endodermis, phloem, and xylem. 

    3.  The different types of cells belong to different types of tissues. These tissues are specialized to perform different functions.

Related Topics for you

1. Activity 6.3Class 9 Science

2. Activity 6.1Class 9 Science

2. Solution Chapter 6 Tissues