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NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Activity 6.1|Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Tissues

NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Activity 6.1

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science belongs to Chapter 6 Tissues Class 9 Science. You will get a complete solution with an explanation and a conclusion. After reading activity 6.1, you will be able to answer the questions based on the activity.

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Chapter 6


You are suggested to study NCERT activity 6.1 class 9 science chapter 6 explanation with a conclusion so that you can attempt questions based on the activity 6.1 class 9 science.

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Aim

To show that Meristematic tissues are responsible for the growth of plants.


Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science

       ·        Take two glass jars and fill them with water.

       ·        Now, take two onion bulbs and place o each jar as shown in the figure.

       ·        Observe the growth of roots in both the bulbs for a few days.

      ·        Measure the length of roots on days 1, 2, and 3.

      ·        On day 4, cut the root tips of the onion bulb in jar 2 by about 1 cm. after this, observe the growth in both the jars and measure their length each day for five more days and record the observation on a table like a table below.


Length Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Jar 1

Jar 2

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Observation

We observe that roots in both the bulbs for a few days grow almost similarly but when we cut the tips of roots in jar B, there is no growth seen in the roots in jar B.

Lenght  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Jar 1 2 cm 2.5cm 3cm 3.5cm 4.5cm
Jar 2 2 cm 2.5cm 3cm nil nil

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Explanation

The growth of plants occurs in certain regions like apical, lateral, and intercalary. These regions have dividing tissues called meristematic tissues. These tissues are responsible for growth in plants.

Activity 6.1 Class 9 Science Conclusion

From activity 6.1, we can conclude that the growth of plants occurs in certain region which has meristematic tissues that are responsible for the growth

 Questions based on observation activity 6.1 class 9 science

     1.  Which of the two onions has longer roots? why?

     2.  Do the roots continue growing even after we have removed their tips?

     3.  Why would the tips stop growing in jar 2 after we cut them?

Answers to questions based on activity 6.1 Class 9 Science

1.  The root tips in jar 1 grow longer because the root tips of the onion bulb have not been cut.

2.  No, the roots do not continue growing after removing root tips because they don’t have meristematic tissues in their tips.

3.  The meristematic tissues are responsible for the growth of plant parts. These tissues are found in the tips of roots and stem and increase the length of roots and stem. When we cut the tips, the meristematic tissues present in the tips region also get removed so there is no growth is seen.

Related Topics for you

1. Activity 6.2 Class 9 Science

2. Solution Chapter 6 Tissues