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NCERT Activity 14.9 Class 10 Science | Sources of Energy class 10 activities solutions

In this post, you are going to read NCERT activity 14.9 class 10 science, sources of energy. You will find a complete explanation of activity 14.9 class 10 science with a conclusion.

NCERT Activity 14.9 Class 10 Science | Sources of Energy


NCERT Activity 14.9 Class 10 Science

Activity 14.9 Class 10 Science

     ·  Debate the following two issues in class

     a.The estimated coal reserve is said to be enough to last us for another two hundred years. Do you think we need to worry about coal getting depleted in this case? Why or why not?

     b.  It is estimated that the sun will last for another five billion years. Do we have to worry about solar energy getting exhausted? Why or why not?

     ·  On the basis of the debate, decide which energy sources can be considered

    a.   Exhaustible

    b.  Inexhaustible

    c.    Renewable

    d.  Non-renewable

 Give your answer for each choice

Explanation Activity 14.9 Class 10 Science

(i)  a. Coal is a fossil fuel and is formed in a way like the other fossil fuels. India is the world's second-largest coal producer and the 5th largest country in terms of coal reserves, with coal reserves that can last at least 100 years longer, We have to worry about the coal reserves getting depleted since no new coal reserves are being formed.  For more about coal see ref (i)

b. Though solar energy will last for another five billion years, so we have not to worry about this energy getting exhausted. This is due to the reason that five billion years is a very long period of time. see ref. (ii)

(ii)Coal is exhaustible and solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy. Coal is a non-renewable source of energy and solar energy is a renewable source of energy.

      a.   Exhaustible – The sources of energy that will be finished in near future and can’t be regenerated in a short time are called exhaustible sources of energy.

    b.  Inexhaustible – These sources of energy will remain for a long time and are continuously regenerated and are called inexhaustible sources of energy.

    c.    Renewable –  These sources of energy are continuously produced in nature and are inexhaustible. these sources can be replenished in a short period of time. Eg-  solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, hydro energy, etc.

    d.  Non-renewable -  These sources of energy are those sources of energy that are likely to be exhausted in near future and cannot be replenished in a short time so they are called non-renewable sources of energy. eg.  coal, natural gas, petroleum, etc.


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2. Previous activity-  Activity 14.8 Class 10 Science

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3. Extra Questions of Chapter 14