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NCERT Activity 14.7 Class 10 Science ,Sources of Energy

In this post, you are going to read NCERT activity 14.7 class 10 science, sources of energy. You will find a complete explanation of activity 14.7 class 10 science with a conclusion.

NCERT Activity 14.7 Class 10 Science | Sources of Energy


Activity 14.7 Class 10 Science

    ·      Discuss in class the question of what is the ultimate source of energy for biomass. Wind and ocean thermal energy.

    ·      Is geothermal energy and nuclear energy different in this respect? why?

    ·      Where would you place hydroelectricity and wave energy?


NCERT Activity 14.7 Class 10 Science ,Sources of Energy
NCERT Activity 14.7 Class 10 Science , Sources of Energy


The ultimate source of energy

We get energy from different sources like electricity, wind energy, thermal power plant, hydropower plants, etc.

thermal power plants use coal to produce electricity. Kinetic energy is used in hydropower plants to produce electricity. Wind energy is used in windmills to produce electricity.

But when we think about the ultimate sources of energy behind these above sources, we find ‘the sun is the ultimate source.

Let’s discuss it.

Wind energy

Wind energy is used in windmills to produce electricity and grind grains, and sailing boats.

Ultimate source of energy for wind energy


The wind blows due to uneven heating of the atmosphere. The uneven distribution of sunlight causes uneven heating of the atmosphere, this results in the movement of air and energy of moving air(wind), so the ultimate source of energy is ‘The sun’.


Biomass is organic material obtained from plants and animals. It includes garbage, crop residue, wood, sewage, dead parts of living beings, etc. biomass is a good source of energy.

Biomass is used in a biogas plants to produce methane and biomass can be converted into ethanol, and biodiesel.  

Ultimate source of energy for biomass

Plants absorb the sun’s energy in the process called photosynthesis. The chemical energy in plants gets passed into animals and other living beings. The chemical energy stored in biomass is converted into heat energy. So ultimate source of biomass is the sun.

Ocean thermal energy

Ocean thermal energy is a powerful source of renewable energy. Sunlight heats the surface of the ocean and this heated water is used to produce electricity.

So the sun is the ultimate source of energy for ocean thermal energy.

Comparison of geothermal energy and nuclear energy with respect to the sun

There are hot regions inside the earth. This heat energy is called geothermal energy. This energy is generated due to molten rocks inside the core and crust.

Nuclear energy is obtained from radioactive elements artificially.

So the sun does not provide geothermal energy and nuclear energy.


Flowing water and storing water in huge dams is also a useful source of energy. Kinetic energy and potential energy are used to produce hydroelectricity.

Wave energy

Waves are produced due to strong winds and winds are produced by uneven heating of the atmosphere and the earth. so the sun is responsible for this.


After observing this activity 14.7, we can understand that we use different types of energy sources. Most of the energy is derived from the sun like solar energy, hydro energy, biomass energy, ocean thermal energy, and wave energy.

But the sun is not the ultimate source of geothermal energy and nuclear energy.

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