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Explain Activity 7.1 NCERT Class 10 Science Control and Coordination

In this post, you will learn about activity 7.1 NCERT class 10 science Control and Coordination which belongs to chapter 7 NCERT solutions. You can also go through activity 7.2 class 10 science Control and  Coordination.

Chapter 7 - Control and Coordination Activity -7.1

Activity - Put some sugar in your mouth. How does it taste? Block your nose by pressing it between your thumb and index finger. Now eat sugar again. Is there any difference in its taste?

        While eating lunch. block your nose in the same way and notice if you can fully appreciate the taste of food are eating.


(i)    When sugar is eaten it tastes sweet.

(ii)   When the nose is blocked before putting the sugar in the mouth. no difference in its taste is observed.

(iii)  When the lunch box is opened and the nose has blocked the taste of the food is not fully appreciated.


        Chemical receptors of our body that perceive the taste stimulus are called gustato receptors. The gustato receptors are present on our tongue. when they are stimulated by chemicals they convey the information of special taste sensory area of the brain. In brain, the information is interpreted and we come to know about the taste of the food. When sugar is eaten we feel the taste of sugar.

In the next part of the activity, we feel the taste of the sugar even after blocking our nose. It is because the fact that taste of sugar is not affected by receptors of smell situated in the nose.

        Generally, as soon as we open our lunch box, the smell of food is detected by the olfactory receptors of our nose. Our mouth starts some salivation before the food reaches our mouth. When we eat food its chemicals spread in a larger area of the tongue. Because of the presence of saliva in our mouth. Actually, the taste is a function of both gustatoreceptors and olfactoreceptros. Taste is often enhanced by receptors of smell, especially the taste of hot aromatic substances. It means taste perception is helped by receptors of smell also. Salivation enhances the taste of food. Hot food tastes better. If the nose is blocked by the thumb and index finger, we partially appreciate the taste of food. The part or components of food which can be felt by taste receptors only are appreciated. But the taste is not fully appreciated.

Conclusion – Now we can understand that both the taste and smell help the brain to interpret the food we eat.

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