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Explain Activity 6.4 NCERT Class 10 Science Life Processes

In this post, you will learn about activity 6.4 NCERT class 10 science Life Processes which belongs to chapter 6 NCERT solutions. You can also go through activity 6.3 class 10 science life process.

Explain Activity 6.4 NCERT Class 10 Science Life Processes

You can learn object, material required, procedure, observation, and conclusion of activity 6.4 NCERT class 10 science life processes.

Activity 6.4

Object – Carbon dioxide is exhaled during respiration

Material Required: Two test tubes, lime water, air pump (small) with rubber tubing, a glass tube.

Procedure: (i) Take freshly prepared lime water in a test tube.

(ii) Blow air from the mouth into this lime water with help of a glass tube.

(iii)  Now take the same amount of lime water in another test tube.

(iv)  With the help of a small air pump blow air into this lime water. For this fit a rubber tubing at the mouth of the air pump.

Explain Activity 6.4 NCERT Class 10 Science Life Processes
Carbon dioxide is exhaled during respiration

Observation: In test tube (B) lime water turns milky within a short period of time. In the second test tube, the lime water remains unaffected.

Inference: Lime water turns milky only when carbon dioxide is mixed with it. Actually, the calcium oxide is converted into white calcium carbonate in the presence of carbon dioxide. Experiment shows that exhaled air contains carbon dioxide and proves that carbon dioxide is produced during respiration. As there is a very little amount of carbon dioxide in the fresh air the lime water didn’t turn milky with its imperiality. 

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